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Opinion of turen about:
I recieved my Futujara yesterday and I am very pleased! The design is amazing and the instrument is very well made. I am thoroughly pleased thank you very much! It is a bit quite than I expected and I was wondering if you have any reccomended microphones or pickups that will attach comfortably to the instrument for use with an amplifier. Thank you again I am very happy with my purchase!
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Futuristic Fujara (D/C set) painted in BLACK opaque - 3 instrume

Futuristic Fujara (D/C set) painted in BLACK opaque - 3 instrume

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On request.
Flexible hose is NOT included with this model.
If you need it you can order FUTUJARA

For those musicians who wants the fujara to look more beautiful we offer the fujara professionally painted in black opaque,


the Futuristic Fujara is made by my friend Max Brumberg out of highly durable PVC and available for the order. It's some great news about it: It's collapsible and comes in sets. It's one part with whistle and joint and two playing tubes in different tuning. For example when you want to use D fujara you connect D tube, when you want to play on C fujara you replace it with C tube. And when you disconnect the part with the holes you have overtone flute! (Check video for details) So in fact you have 3 instruments in one in collapsible variant (much easy to transport)

I got many emails if the price which stays above is right or it's some mistake. Yes, it is right, be happy:)


1. Three instruments in one: two fujaras and one overtone flute!
2. Very well tuned in western concert temperated tuning
3. Collapsible (no hassle during transportation)
4. Extremely light!
5. Professional quality of sound
6. The holes are close together so you can use different fingering and apply the techniques from other flutes (see video for details)
7. Very easy to play, everybody can start playing right away!
8. Highly durable
9. Cheapest fujara ever!

D/C set includes:

- 1 x main tube
- 1 x C playing tube
- 1 x D playing tube
- fingering charts
- mouthpiece (for traditional style of playing)

Please Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript to order it and to get the shipping price which depends on your location.

Frequently asked questions
and shipping prices


Troubleshooting tips and care

Sound Sample:

mp3 (0,6 MB)

(there's unpainted fujara on this video,
but painted version has kept all the features of unpainted one presented here):

Performing Video:


Demonstration Video:

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Футуяра - 5 в 1 (черная расцветка)

Futuristic Fujara (A/G set) painted in BLACK opaque - 3 instrume
Futuristic Fujara (A/G set) painted in BLACK opaque - 3 instrume
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Futujara Hard Case
Futujara Hard Case

Изменено: Monday, 13 May 2024 23:54

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Rare ethnic musical instruments for sell: percussion, jew's harps: khomus, kou xiang, dan moi, ncaas; overtone flutes. fujara, futujara, kalyuka