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EOX drum 
Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum 

Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum
Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum

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Opinion of turen about:
I recieved my Futujara yesterday and I am very pleased! The design is amazing and the instrument is very well made. I am thoroughly pleased thank you very much! It is a bit quite than I expected and I was wondering if you have any reccomended microphones or pickups that will attach comfortably to the instrument for use with an amplifier. Thank you again I am very happy with my purchase!
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Tunable Frame Drum with pyrography

Tunable Frame Drum with pyrography

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Available by request! Custom design!

the drum itself costs 270,- Euro + design (depending on amount and complexity, between 180-400 Euro).

Prices for the design (examples):
1. ornamental repeating pattern around the frame (about 180 Euro)
2. with 4 repeating symbols (about 250 Euro)
3. with a story in symbols 10 symbols are repeating twice (about 290 Euro)
4. with a story in symbols no one is repeated (about 400 Euro)

Possible design options:


frame with a story in symbols (no one is repeated)










ornamental repeating pattern around the frame



Sound Sample (by David Kuckhermann):

mp3 (0,9 MB)

Video: Burning by Julia Surba, Playing by David Kuckhermann

This drum is made by David Roman Drums and has a revolutionary tuning system,
you can tune it with bicycle pump in seconds to any pitch!

Pyrographic design made by Kuzhebar Design Studio

please ask Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript for prices

How pneumatic tuning system works (by David Kuckhermann) :


Обычно отгружается в течение:

on request

Мнения покупателей:

Julia  (Saturday, 03 March 2012)
Рейтинг: 5
Hello julia today I have received the frame drum and the truth is that you have done a great work, has a finished perfercto I like more that that of
david jajajaja, in end the drawings are all the brilliant ones and very origuinales, am very satisfied and happy, thank you for your work, another day
will order you an e-mail in order that you do another frame drum to me this serious time a tar or bendir if it can be, now I have to join money with
this of the crisis! Jeje an embrace and graces for your workrnLolo Lopez

jsurba  (Monday, 05 April 2010)
Рейтинг: 5
Hi Julia, I received the drum earlier this week but was so busy with tax season that I haven't had the chance to properly thank you for an awesome
job! I'm very impressed with your fine art work as well as the drum in general. What a pleasure to own such a fine instrument! Sincerely, Erik

nadishana  (Sunday, 04 April 2010)
Рейтинг: 5
Hallo Julia!

Die Rahmentrommel ist wohlbehalten und unversehrt Mitte letzter Woche bei mir angekommen und wird seitdem heftig und
zart bespielt. Sie entspricht voll meinen Vorstellungen sowohl was dein Design anbelangt, aber auch - was bei einer Trommel nicht unwichtig ist - was
den Klang betrifft. Kurzum ein richtiges Meisterstück.
Schön, dass du und David so gut zusammen arbeiten könnt. Der häufige mail Kontakt
war für mich hervorragend, es hat mir das Gefühl vermittelt, dass ich keine Katze im Sack kaufe, sondern ich habe mich beteiligt gefühlt, so dass
es in gewisser Weise meine Trommel wird.
Oh meine neue Trommel: Sie liegt wunderbar in der Hand, die pyrographische Oberfläche fasst sich
wunderbar an, irgendwie rauh-griffig und glatt gleichzeitig, ja sie riecht auch noch gut, und nicht zuletzt haben diese wunderbaren Zeichen und
Symbole für mich auch noch eine Bedeutung ...
.....ich glaube dein "Kind" ist bei mir in guten Händen.


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Изменено: Friday, 03 May 2024 14:21

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