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Bass Overtone Flute set - 12 keys

Bass Overtone Flute set - 12 keys

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On request.
:: unique item! ::

There are 12 flutes in one! This instrument have very rich and raspy sound,
full of harmonics. This model elaborated in collaboration with my friend
Max Brumberg
. The mouthpiece (main playing tube) you can combine
with interchangable tubes covering range of 1 octave. The flexible hose
gives you possibility to reach the bottom hole of the flute with your hand.
Set including following keys:
A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#
price - 160 EUR


1. 12 instruments in one!
2. Very well tuned in western concert temperated tuning
3. Collapsible (no hassle during transportation)
4. Extremely light!
5. Professional quality of sound
6. Very easy to play, everybody can start playing right away!
7. Highly durable
8. Unique, there's no product like this on the market!

Please Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript to order it and to get the shipping price which
depends on your location.

Some important details for the care and fine tuning of your futujara:

  • - There is a little piece above the window on the top of your futujara,
    you can shift it up and down. Use this part to fine tune the sound
    of your futujara, you are going to see, it changes a lot.
  • - After playing you should also take off the hose or the little mouthpiece
    depending on what you used, to let them dry.

Sound Sample:
mp3 (0,9 MB)

Demonstration Video :

Performing Video :

Vollenweider 029

Andreas Vollenweider. with his chromatic designed set


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Изменено: Sunday, 19 May 2024 07:09