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Futuristic fujara (D/C set) DESIGNED

Futuristic fujara (D/C set) DESIGNED

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On request.
Flexible hose is NOT included with this model.
If you need it you can order FUTUJARA

Painted futuristic fujara set with symbols from Ancient Kuzhebar
culture or other ethnic motifs is also available for the order. Artwork made
by Kuzhebar Design Studio For DC set Price range is 190 - 250 EUR
depending on the complexity of artwork. In each case the artwork is unique!
Customer designs are available by request.

D/C set includes:

- 1 x main tube
- 1 x C playing tube
- 1 x D playing tube
- fingering charts
- mouthpiece (for traditional style of playing)

Some important details for the care and fine tuning of your futujara:

  • - There is a little piece above the window on the top of your futujara,
    you can shift it up and down. Use this part to fine tune the sound
    of your futujara, you are going to see, it changes a lot.
  • - After playing you should also take off the hose or the little mouthpiece
    depending on what you used, to let them dry.

Sound Sample:

mp3 (0,6 MB)

http://nadishana.com/shop/FujaraBlack.jpg http://nadishana.com/shop/FF_Opaque.jpg
Black-Silver, glossy Brown - beige, opaque
http://nadishana.com/shop/PaintedFujara21.jpg http://nadishana.com/shop/PaintedFujaraMyspace2.jpg http://nadishana.com/shop/PaintedFujara106.jpg
Brown - beige, glossy



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Изменено: Sunday, 19 May 2024 07:26